Thursday, April 23, 2020


There was a tornado near here yesterday afternoon. Our weather was perfect. It didn't rain and was so cool and breezy I was sitting out on the patio under a blanket. About 20 miles away, 3 people were killed, many were trapped and injured, houses were blown apart and 5 communities were devastated. The search and rescue teams are expecting the death toll to rise as they investigate the wreckage. Most people in this county, and our neighboring counties, want to help. Many drove over to drop off water and toilet paper at the shelters. When they couldn't get there, they dropped it off at the fire department. This is going to be lifechanging for many families.

Mom and I were sitting comfortably in our living room watching our usual youtube. She said, I feel a bit guilty. Me too. We have everything we need, are comfortable, mom owns her house free and clear so doesn't have to worry about a mortgage, we know where our next meal is coming from, and know all our family is safe.

How do you not feel bad when bad things happen to your neighbors? We pray for them, thank God for his protection on us, thank God for His provision for us, and look for opportunities to help people out, make them feel comforted, show them care, and spread a smile.

What are some things you can do to make someone smile today? How will you help your neighbor?

I can't help the tornado victims today. They have plenty of help from experienced first responder groups. As they start cleaning up damage, I will post offering to scan and clean up family photos if anyone was able to find some.

I did not take the picture, I found it, along with many other on a public facebook post. The damage was very extensive. They still haven't been able to get to everyone affected.

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