Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Monhans Sandhills State Park, Texas


Monahans Sandhills State Park in Texas is a really neat place. I was expecting sandhills from the name, but not all the flowers, the blue sky, and the light reflecting off the white sand. The sand was a bit hot to walk in barefoot and it was hard to walk in. It seems to be a popular place for portrait photography. I saw 2 portrait sessions going on during the golden sunset hour. We watched people climb up and sled down. The smaller people and kids had better luck with the sledding than the adults. The adults didn't go far or fast. I climbed to the top of a dune with the dogs and the dunes went on for a long ways. It was tempting to explore more, but difficult to walk. We played around in the sand. The dogs had fun running in it and Tippy dug in it. Roudy, however, ate it. He was sick all over the camper. Yuck. I moved their pen onto the pavement so he couldn't eat any more. Tippy and Peanut were not too pleased with this, they liked nestling down in the sand. The walk around the campground loop was gorgeous, as was watching the sun set, the moon rise, and the sun rise over the dunes. Mom said watching the moon set was gorgeous also. I missed that. The park is really big. There is a nature trail by the entrance. We didn't walk it because it was too far from the campground and we didn't unhitch. There were bird tracks all over the sand, but we only saw one bird flying. I was surprised at this. I would like to find out when the birds are there and go back, but not in the summer. It was warm enough in September. The white flowers are pholox heliptrope, the yellow are sunflowers, the grass is sand bluestem. I did not find out exactly which sunflower the yellow ones are. There are a lot of different types. 

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