Friday, February 7, 2020

Huntsville State Park Days 1 and 2

 We went to Huntsville State Park in Huntsville, TX to celebrate mom's birthday January 23 through 27. The first 2 days were just me and mom. The rest of the local family joined us for days 3 and 4. The photos are better than the descriptions. 

We left for mom's birthday trip right on time even though it was gloomy and spitting rain at us. I did good at hitching up and even backed right up to the camper with only one tiny adjustment. Let me try that one again. The hour and 20 minute drive was uneventful and I was a bit more relaxed than I usually am pulling the trailer. We didn't have any interstate to drive on, just 2 lane highways with some passing lanes for the poor drivers behind me stuck going 55 or 60 instead of 70. Really there was only 1 stretch that was 70 mph. The rest was 60 or 50 or 40 depending on where you were. The stretch of road between Livingston and Huntsville had so many speed changes I needed to use GPS just to keep track of what speed I was supposed to be going. There was a lot of road construction on interstate 45 just outside of Huntsville State Park so when we turned onto State park road 40, it felt like we were entering another world. The road was mildly hilly, curvy and lined with trees in their winter outfits. We pulled up to the entrance and didn't have to park and get out. They had a drive up window. The park ranger checked us in smoothly, gave us our maps, and told us how to get to our campsite. We followed his directions through the forest lined roads. I had selected our site carefully when I made our reservations. I picked a back-in site overlooking the end of an arm of the lake. I figured I needed practice backing up and I wanted to have room for family to join us if they wanted to. I was able to back in, only having to pull forward to straighten out once. Setting up had some glitches. I connected the sewer line. Mom connected the water, but it was leaking. We had to undo it and redo it. I turned the water on in the sink to let the pressure off the hose. We got the water fittings on tight enough then went inside to find the water had backed up through the shower drain. Shoot. I forgot to open the valve to let the water drain into the sewer hose. I am glad it was water and nothing else. The park host came by while we were setting up to welcome us and see if we needed anything. After set up and getting the heater going, I went on a hike with the dogs. There is a wooden bird blind just down the trail behind our campsite that overlooks the marshy end of the lake. We followed the trail further and got tangled up in some brush that had fallen all over the trail area. We made it through, no help from Tippy, who was the chief culprit about getting us tangled, and found enough mud. There was even enough water flowing through the mud I felt like we were walking in a creek. I dodged my way through it and the dogs strolled right through, smelling everything. When we got out of the mud, the trail turned out really nice. We walked up a hill along a power line road. When we came to a fence, we turned around and walked back down the hill. We went the other direction on the trail and found a really pleasant walk through the woods and no more mud. We spent the rest of the evening nested in the camper with the heater. 

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