Friday, October 23, 2020

Garden Photography


The majority of my photos are plants or viewpoints. That is because they stay still, basically. My cameras are not very fast so have trouble with moving critters. They are easy to use on hikes with dogs and were both on the less expensive end of the scale. I bang them around a lot, which makes me glad I don't have several thousand dollars invested in camera equipment. One day I would like to get a faster camera that can still zoom 60x. I am learning the capabilities of my cameras and using them to the fullest. 

I was sidetracked, back to garden photography. I have wanted to do this for a while. But I don't have the nerve to walk up to someone and ask if I can photograph their yard. I usually content myself with what I can see from the road. My cousins in California have a gorgeous yard up on a cliff overlooking the ocean. I couldn't resist and asked to photograph their garden, and they kindly said Yes. I emailed them the best of the photos (5 at a time). I would like to do this more regularly. It was fun finding all the cool plants and nooks in their garden. 

In case you can't tell, I was obsessed by the view. I identified most of the plants with inaturalist. If anyone is interested, I will go back and put names on the photos, but I am just wondering who reads this besides my mom.

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